The salvia is a member of the mint family, labiatae, which accounts for its square stems and textured, often fragrant foliage, and for those flowers that look like lips. 鼠尾草属于薄荷大家族,是唇形科的一种,茎呈方形,叶片纹理独特,往往带有香味,花朵呈唇形。
OBJECTIVE: To study the influences of different temperature conditions on the medicinal plant seed germination of mint family ( Labiatae). 目的:研究不同温度条件对唇形科药用植物种子发芽的影响。
Effection of the Leaf Surface Characters of Plants on Studies of Crude Drugs ⅰ. Identification of 7 Species of Folium and Herba From Family Labiatae 植物叶表面特征在生药鉴定研究中的意义Ⅰ.7种唇形科叶、草类生药的鉴定
Family Labiatae is widely distributed in our country, it has a lot of species that the most of them have been used as traditional folk medicine herb by local practitioner in China. 唇形科(Labiatae)植物在我国分布广泛,种类繁多,大多数为民间常用草药。
Mesona chinensis Benth., one species of Mesona genus, which belongs to Family Labiatae, is an annual herbaceous plant. It is one of the main materials for producing herbal tea and jelly in the southern region of China. 凉粉草(MesonachinensisBenth.)为唇形科仙草属一年生草本植物,是我国南方地区生产凉茶和凉粉的主要原料之一。
There are about 60 species belong to the genus Dracocephalum, family Labiatae. These plants distribute in alpine and semidry regions mainly in temperate Asia, with a few in Europe, one in North America. 唇形科(Labiatae)青兰属(Dracocephalum)植物约60种,主要分布在亚洲温带,多在高山及半干旱地区,少数延至中欧及北欧,1种分布在北美。
Salviae miltiorrhizae radix et rhizoma is the common bulk medicinal materials. It is the dried root and rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge., family Labiatae. 丹参为唇形科(Labiatae)植物丹参SalviamiltiorrhizaBge的干燥根及根茎,是常用大宗药材。